RAID ADG Recovery
Attingo is able to reconstruct your lost data from RAID ADG (Advanced Data Guarding. This is an implementation for RAID 6 by Hewlett Packard and Compaq AG. It is often used with Compaq Smart Arrays, where the parity is calculated via complex Galois polynomials.
Data rescue from RAID ADG systems
- Two or more hard drives break down. Attingo will extract the data in the in-house clean room laboratory and reconstruct the virtual drive.
- Data loss often happens due to errors inside the RAID controller (BIOS, software). Attingo is able to recontruct the lost data.
- After a firmware update data may be lost because of a changed storage order.
- Attingo recovers the data if the RAID ADG is degraded or offline.
Capacity of a RAID ADG
The sum of all hard drives minus two.

Build-up of a RAID ADG (RAID 6 / RAID 5DP) array
RAID ADG pros and cons
- In the worst case two or more hard drives break down. The array is no longer accesible and a data rescue is needed.
- In the best case only one or two hard drives break down. The system is still working and there is no data loss.
- To perform a successful data rescue, the so-called "generator syndrome" as well as the distribution of the input and parity blocks are necessary.
Experience with Attingo RAID ADG Recovery
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2020-08-10: Gero S., 52072 Aachen, 7x Seagate ST6000NE0021 aus QNAP NAS | Linux | EXT
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2016-10-12: Rasch4you GmbH, 6971 Hard, Western Digital Red WD20EFRX-68EUZN0, Seagate ST2000DL003 aus Fujitsu Q800 | RAID6 | Linux | EXT
Österreichische Firma und Herr Häfele.
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